Beliefs & Values

Our Guiding Beliefs
We are a growing community of disciples making disciples that is affiliated with the Missionary Church U.S.A., an evangelical denomination spread across the world. We believe the good news that the Creator God sent His eternal Son, Jesus, to show us what God is like, take the punishment for our sins by dying on a cross, and defeat death by rising from the dead. When a person trusts in Jesus as her Savior and King, she is completely pardoned of all her sins forever, filled with God's Holy Spirit as His child, and given eternal life with God. We also believe that the Bible is true and inspired by God. For a full description of the Missionary Church denomination and its beliefs, click here: Missionary Church USA

Our Guiding Values

(1) Look UpLove God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We seek to do this by:
Putting God first in every area of life (Mark 12:30).

       Growing in friendship with God through prayer (1 Thess 5:17; James 4:8).

       Meditating daily on God’s Worth, Word, and Works (Psalms 1; Eph 3:18-19).

       Trusting God’s wisdom and promises (Proverbs 3:5-6).

       Growing in Christ-like character (Galatians 5:22-23).

(2) Look In Love each other and grow as a spiritual family. We seek to do this by:

Supporting the mission and people of our church with prayer, service, and giving (Colossians 4:2-4; Romans 12:4-8;
1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15).

Using our spiritual gifts to bless our church and community (1 Corinthians 12).

Attending Sunday morning gatherings regularly for corporate worship and teaching (Hebrews 10:23-25).

 Meeting regularly with a small group of Christians for friendship, prayer, sharing, accountability, support and encouragement (Hebrews 10:23-25; 1 Thess 5:11; James 5:16).

 Submitting to Godly leadership and biblical correction (Heb 13:17; Matt 18:7).

(3) Look Out Reach out with the good news about Jesus to the world around us. We seek to do this by:

       Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31).

       Caring for the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our immediate and extended families (1 Tim 3:4-5).

Helping the poor and the outcasts (Matt 9:11-13; 1 John 3:16-18).

Building relationships with all kinds of people (Luke 14:23; Colossians 4:5-6).

Taking opportunities to tell unchurched people about Jesus and his good news (Matt 28:18-20; 1 Peter 3:15).

Inviting unchurched people to LMC (1 Corinthians 14:24).

Supporting the spread of the gospel to all nations and ethnic groups (Luke 24:47; Rev 7:9).