These resources are to help connect and equip your family to grow in faith together. These resources are designed to help you disciple your family in everyday moments “as you go.”
Children’s Discipleship Resources
Sunday School Lesson for February 2nd (Mark 4)
Click on the picture to access the video. A Story about Soils "The Bible is shallow enough for a child to wade in, but deep enough for an elephant to swim."-- Augustine
Swim where you want but try to ask open ended questions!
QUESTION: In the parable of the soils, where was the seed thrown? When Jesus explained the parable, what did he say the seed represented?
TAKEAWAY: The gospel is heard by hard and soft hearts.
QUESTION: What happened to the seed thrown on the hard pathway? What about the seed thrown on rocky soil? And what about seed thrown in the thorns? What does the parable teach us about how the gospel might not take root in our hearts?
TAKEAWAY: If our hearts are hard or we are distracted by hard things and worries, the gospel won't take root in our hearts.
QUESTION: What happened to the seed thrown on the good soil? How much fruit did it produce? What does the parable teach us about how the gospel? Can take root in our hearts?
TAKEAWAY: If our hearts are soft and ready to receive the gospel, it will take root and produce much fruit.
Children’s Minstry Memory Verse of the Month with a song.
Click on the Memory Verse Card to listen to the song that the kids will be using to memorize the verse.
Worship Song with Motions
The Children’s Ministry is learning this song, with motions, in Sunday School. Click on the picture to go to the song and motion video on YouTube. The kids will not be performing this song but hand motions have been implemented to help with memorization.
Doxology Song
The kids will be learning the Doxology